Cellulose-based scaffolds for fluorescence lifetime imaging-assisted tissue engineering

Neil O'Donnell , Dr. Irina Okkelman , Prof. Dmitri Papkovsky and Dr. Ruslan Dmitriev in collaboration with colleagues from the Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Russia have published new research article on the use of various cellulose-based scaffolds for advanced microscopy in tissue engineering applications. The team has developed biosensor based on the recombinant fluorescent biosensing protein and fused with cellulose-binding domain: this cellulose-based pH-sensitive biosensor can label the decellularized plant tissue-derived scaffold (spinach, celery) and is useful for monitoring of extracellular acidification of the 3D culture of cancer cells and stem cell-derived intestinal organoids. Such biomaterial is also compatible with multiparametric FLIM-PLIM imaging of real-time oxygenation providing new framework for the label-free biomedical imaging of the tissue engineered in vitro and ex vivo . The research published in Acta Biomaterialia journal can be assessed...