2019 in review

In year 2019 we achieved the following: - 1 PhD student successfully graduated ( Neil O'Donnell , 2014-2018) - We published 5 research articles on new pH-sensitive ( Analytical Chemistry ), redox-sensitive ( Dyes and Pigments ) and O2 sensing films ( Sensors and Actuators B ), new FLIM method of visualising mitochondrial membrane potential ( Cytometry A ) and a work on tissue engineering ( Xenotransplantation ) - Submitted 1 preprint ( BioRxiv ) on assessing metabolism in the intestinal organoids, together with 2 other articles under consideration, 1 book chapter for the book 'Intestinal stem cells' (Springer, 2020?). - We presented at ISSCR Organoids Amsterdam Symposium (poster), Sechenov Biomedical Summit (Invited talk, organised and chaired a session), ASCB-EMBO 2019 (talk and poster), visited Leica training center and University Tubingen with short-term collaborative visits, lectures and seminars. - 3 funding awards were secured: SFI Industry Fello...