Updates from the group (October 2022)

It was a busy period during June-October this year! Below are some important updates about our team: - Together with prof. Sarah Vergult, we received a funding by the Special Research Fund (BOF) to start an interdisciplinary research project on imaging of neural organoids 'IMAGIBRAINDD' . The team will grow with at least one new PhD student. More details to follow. - Have you ever heard about FLIMagin 3 D ? Together with Prof. Michael Monaghan (Trinity College Dublin) and a number of experts across EU and UK we have secured funding for a new doctoral training network (MSCA) aiming at expanding & consolidating training in biosensors, modelling, tissue models, hardware and software for 3D FLIM. This project will start from 1-Jan-2023 and soon we will be hiring PhD students. Twitter page for new updates. - New microscope(!) Thanks to FWO (medium infrastructure call 2021) and support from ~ 25 other enthusiastic colleagues from UGent and VIB, soon we will have confocal white ...