Official Announcement of SFI SIRG Award for Dr. Ruslan Dmitriev

Tuesday 8th July 2014Minister for Research and Innovation, Mr Seán Sherlock, T.D. has today announced €23 million in new funding to help support 40 of Ireland’s most promising young research talent to become fully independent researchers. The funding which is being awarded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) will help ensure that Ireland’s most talented young researchers can be encouraged to remain in Ireland, while also helping to attract excellent young researchers from other countries to base themselves here. 
(From SFI website).

Dr. Dmitriev has secured funding for Starting Investigator Research Grant entitled "DEVELOPMENT OF BIONIC SENSOR MATERIALS FOR METABOLIC IMAGING IN
REGENERATIVE MEDICINE" (~500K, 2014-2018) which will fund him and one supervised PhD student under mentorship of Prof. D. Papkovsky.
The project is aiming at development and investigation of properties of advanced self-assembling biopolymer-based phosphorescent molecules for sensing O2, pH and related analytes in 3D cell models for regenerative medicine.

Dr. R. Dmitriev and Dr. A. Morrin (DCU) posing.

A full list of other SFI-funded projects can be found here


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