pH-sensitive perylene bisimide probes for live cell fluorescence lifetime imaging

A collaboration with Prof. Ingo Klimant lab from Graz University of Technology (Austria) has resulted in new research paper published in Journal of Materials Chemistry B. Drs. D. Aigner (Graz) and R. Dmitriev (Cork) who share equal authorship and co-workers studied suitability of novel class of fluorescent pH indicators (perylene bisimides) for intracellular pH measurements by FLIM method. A number of pH probes based on perylene bisimides was synthesized (small molecule and nanoparticles) and compared with conventional probes such as BCECF. While superior performance of perylene bisimides was shown, the better suitability for FLIM was also demonstrated for nanoparticle probes. This data are expected to provide a framework for future research in FLIM-based pH measurements.

Full text can be found here.


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