O2 imaging of tumour spheroids helps to understand the function of Ca2+/Mn2+ pump

PhD candidate J. Jenkins, Prof. D. Papkovsky and Dr. R. Dmitriev have published new research paper, demonstrating the application potential of multi-parametric O2 PLIM imaging. The multiplexed O2 and pH imaging of 3D tumour spheroid model helped to study the function of membrane-associated ATPase SPCA2, under the conditions close to physiological. Authors confirmed that the enzyme can act as Mn2+ pump, is dependent on cell density and environmental O2 and is regulated through reactive oxygen species and hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) pathway. In addition, authors provide evidence that SPCA2 is involved in regulation of progression of cell cycle.
The work combining classical biochemical methods with modern quantitative imaging and tissue engineering approaches has been published in Biochemical Journal.
The full text can be found here.


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