The pioneer of intracellular O2 gradients studies visits the lab

Prof. Eiji Takahashi (Saga University, Japan) recently visited the Laboratory of Biophysics & Bioanalysis/ Metabolic Imaging Group and presented the seminar at School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology of University College Cork. Prof. Takahashi is world-renown pioneer in studies of intracellular O2 gradients and their role in various cell-based models, such as cardiomyocytes. During his visit, Prof. Takahashi and members of the lab discussed their research and possible future plans for collaborations.

 (from left to right): Dr. R. Dmitriev, Dr. A. Zhdanov, Prof. D. Papkovsky, Prof. E. Takahashi

Prof. D. Papkovsky and Prof. E. Takahashi


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