Extracellular Ca2+-sensing fluorescent protein biosensor based on a collagen-binding domain

Our group published new research article, focused on further development of the 'biosensor scaffold' concept for advanced tissue engineering applications, such as imaging-assisted organoid engineering. Here, we collaborated with colleagues from Agilent Technologies and University of Tubingen (Laboratory of Professor Katja Schenke-Layland, Germany) to develop and functionally evaluate recombinant extracellular Ca2+-specific protein biosensors that can bind collagen- and cellulose-based tissue engineering scaffold materials. Using confocal and two-photon FLIM, and Matrigel-based 3D culture of mouse intestinal organoids, we evaluated performance of the collagen-binding biosensor and found that 3D culture of the intestinal epithelium can regulate extracellular Ca2+, potentially through the function of lipid droplets.

The article published in ACS Applied Bio Materials journal can be assessed here.
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